Just a group of photographers talking to, learning from, and inspiring each other.
The TWiP Community is a group of professional and amateur photographers that genuinely enjoy each others company. Join us for inspiraiton and connections.
Join us as we dive-deep into member images. We deliver constructive, unbiased and actionalble criticism designed to drive your growth as a photographer.
Finally, a photography space where you can listen and be heard.
And we ❤️ our members
A friendly, welcoming community that upgrades (by far) my photography education; interacting with various photography experts in a positive environment just helps me be better at the profession and art.
Amazing place where photographers from around the world can meet and show what they do. I’ve met people I would have never crossed paths with. There is always something interesting on TWiP PRO.
Being a member of the TWiP Community has been something that I've searched for years. None of the "I'm better than you because I use camera A,B or C". This community is by far the place I am proudest to be a member.
This is my community... where same-yet-different is makes us all feel like we belong. Thank you Frederick having creating a fabulous place for us all to hang out and belong.
It's been a really enjoyable experience and I've learned a number of things. Usually it's that element I'm least sure about, or dislike the most in one of my photos is the first addressed in the photo critiques!
Love the mixer and learning from others. The critique sessions are a great learning experience. I've found my unlikely tribe in this place. And have made some life-long friends along the way.
Frederick Van Johnson,
Editor-in-Chief, This Week in Photo
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